











Taguig health programs earn PAN's prestigious award;


With several citations received for successfully implementing various nutrition programs, the city government of Taguig had been given the prestigious Pabasa sa Nutrisyon Hall of Fame award for 2015 by the 61-year old group Philippine Association of Nutrition (PAN).

Officials of PAN said the hall of fame award duly recognizes government and non-government organizations that have already been cited previously with the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon Exemplary Award and have maintained an efficient implementation of the program for four consecutive years. 

"We are again proud of this award. It is not everyday that we do get to honor our people for the exemplary job that they do for their fellow Taguigenos," Mayor Lani Cayetano said.

"The city of Taguig will continue to advocate good and proper nutrition for the benefit of our constituents. This award is a testament that we have fulfilled our goal of fighting malnutrition, which affects mostly our mothers and young kids," Mayor Lani added.

Breastfeeding, Food Nutrition Programs PAN is a government-attached agency that aims to promote practices of proper nutrition.

The Pabasa sa Nutrisyon program is an information-sharing type of activity that targets breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and mothers of malnourished children to teach them the proper selection and preparation of food served to families that are both affordable and nutritious. This initiative controls and lessens cases of malnutrition down to the barangay level. 

Mayor Lani said the success of the nutrition programs is also attributed to the active participation of the Barangay Nutrition Committee, which is in the forefront of its implementation to the people.

Budget allocation for nutrition programs was also provided for barangays to successfully implement the program.

The Taguig mayor said through the Pabasa sa Nutrisyon, people are empowered to reduce their family’s vulnerability to malnutrition through the adoption of proper nutrition practices and healthy lifestyles. 

Malnutrition down to 1 percent

The local government of Taguig was recently cited for its efforts in delivering the best health services to its constituents and for posting a drastic decline in malnutrition prevalence rate to less than 1 percent this year.

The National Nutrition Council-National Capital Region (NNC-NCR), during the 2014 Regional Nutrition Awarding Ceremony held last August 29, has awarded the Green Banner award to Taguig for recording only 0.88 percent for 2014 compared to 1.38 percent the previous year of malnutrition cases. 

The Green Banner award is the highest honor conferred to a local government unit for its exemplary implementation and management of nutrition programs. 

“The education that we impart to our constituents is to ensure that those benefiting from our nutrition program will continue to receive the proper nourishment,” Mayor Lani added.

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